AMP artworks taking shape

February 17, 2021 | The AMP
AMP artworks taking shape

Fabrication of Christopher Paul Jordan's andimgonnamisseverybody is underway by Architectural Elements in Bellingham, WA. The 20' x 20' sculpture will also incorporate bronze pieces that were cast at 2 Ravens Studio in Tacoma. This centerpiece artwork will soon be painted and partially assembled before being transported to Seattle next month and installed on site. More information about the meanings and inspiration behind this multilayered artwork can be found on The AMP website

Meanwhile, the sculptures of We're Already Here have been fabricated by Davis Sign Company in Seattle. These artworks, which are based on signs carried in collective actions around our region, will be installed in three groupings around the plaza and in Cal Anderson Park. Painting of these pieces will happen next week, and they will be installed on site starting at the end of this month.

An online dedication for these artworks is being planned for April 2021.

February 7 is National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
Started in 1999, National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NBHAAD) is a grassroots education effort to raise awareness about HIV and AIDS prevention, care, and treatment in Black communities.

This day is an opportunity to increase HIV education, testing, community involvement, and treatment by organizations among communities of color.

The AMP: AIDS Memorial Pathway has prioritized the collection of stories from people of color, and includes many inspirational and emotional videos from the black community on The AMP website

One interview, with AMP Community Action Group member and AARTH (African Americans Reach & Teach Health) co-founder Rev. Mary Diggs-Hobson, reveals experiences with AIDS both professional and personal.

Other events and resources connected to National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day are a locally based series of online recorded discussions produced by pcaf

and a national conversation on Monday, February 8, at noon PST hosted by BTAN-KC (Black Treatment Advocates Network) titled "HIV is a Racial Justice Issue."

The Gates Foundation Discovery Center is hosting a free, virtual program on Wednesday, February 24, at noon PST, featuring local voices from Seattle's Black community exploring the power of storytelling, the impact of HIV, and thoughtful ways to take action to end stigma. "Banishing Stigma: Black Voices and HIV" will feature The AMP's Rosette Royale, along with other artists and activists. Learn more and register at

The AIDS Memorial Quilt still on display
The AMP is proud to be a part of the national virtual exhibition of the AIDS Memorial Quilt, hosting panels online through March 31. You can view the AMP virtual display at

View all Washington State participant displays at

Help The AMP meet its fundraising goal!
There is just under $100,000 left to raise in order to fully fund The AMP: AIDS Memorial Pathway. Meeting the $2.8M goal will ensure the completion of the artworks, the website, and the AR (augmented Reality) app, as well as the maintenance of all of these components for years to come.

Donate at

Courtesy of The AMP